Two twin sheets and a blanket, or a sleeping bag Pillow
Toiletries: soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush Appropriate swimwear (ONE PIECE suits ONLY)
Sandals or flip-flops to wear to the beach 2 pairs athletic shoes (must be closed toe)
Jeans or long pants
Plenty of T-shirts (NO tank tops or low cut tops) Crew neck only Shorts (NO cheerleading, Yoga pants or short-shorts) Sweatshirt or light jacket
Underwear and socks Rain Coat or Poncho Bible
Sunscreen and hat
2 towels and face cloths Insect Repellent Pajamas
Laundry Bag Face mask
A set of old clothes and shoes that can get dirty Flashlight (optional)
Small clip on fan (optional) Camera (optional) Stationery/stamps (optional)
Water Bottle (Preferably, an insulated metal waterbottle)
Expensive jewelry
Electronic equipment (iPads, laptops, wireless speakers) Valuable items
Weapons, knives, guns Fireworks, explosives
Illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco products of any kind – Including e-cigarettes and vaping devices
Pets of any kind
If your child brings a cell phone it will be turned in to their cabin counselors for safe keeping. At least once a day, the phone will be returned to the camper for a period of time so that camper may call home. We hope this will enable parents to enjoy their child’s camper experience even more than before. Please note: The camp cannot be liable for lost or missing phones. If the camper uses apps requiring data, you may go over your limit and incur additional fees with your phone carrier. Your child will not be allowed to use camp phones or other camper’s devices. If you need to get ahold of your camper, or your camper necessarily needs to get a hold of you, we will plan as necessary. We want to make sure that kids have an opportunity to disconnect and be kids this summer- away from devices and responsibilities at home.
*Label ALL belongings so they can be identified.
Camp Wingmann cannot be held responsible for “Lost and Found” items. Articles left behind will be returned upon request at your expense!

"Every one of our campers are taken care of with such compassion and love. You can really feel God's presence here." - Natali, staff